On Thursday, June 17, 2010, at 2:47:39 AM PST, you wrote:

> There are two different issues here: the fact that auto-reply is not 
> sent immediately and the fact that no reply at all is generated.

One more issue to confuse matters...

After several hours (seems quite random), some replies were generated
and sent (a small batch at a time). Still not as many messages as the
test attempts, but they just seemed to appear and send themselves
whenever they felt like it; many hours later.

> Let's get to the second one first. Are you sure that the filter was 
> 'tested' and 'not triggered'? You can see this in the statistics tab of
> the filter and in the log.

Yes, I've been watching the statistics tab. Now, with many more tests
(with two different filters), I have a 20% and 3.7% "trigger" rate
(the greater the number of test attempts, the lower the "trigger"
rate), and the "send" rate is still far lower than the number of
messages just sitting in the outbox ("triggered", but never sent).

> - If the filter was tested and not triggered, what are the conditions in
> the filter?

Here's an example of what I'm testing.  I start with a mailto link:


Then, to be as specific--and basic--as I can in the filter, here are
the conditions:

"Subject" "is" "test auto reply"
"AND" "Text" "is" "test auto reply"


"This filter is active"

Send generated messages: "Immediately"

> - Id the filter was not even tested, do you have any other Incoming
> filters that may have triggered first avoiding the test of the
> auto-responder? If so, do you have any of these filers NOT set to
> 'continue processing with other filters' in the options tab?

I've checked all this, and even moved my two test filters to the top
of the incoming filter list. No better luck.


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