> When the core changes, you
> end up going back and fixing up your local hacks. This can take a
> VERY long time! Much longer than it might have taken to just improve
> the core in the first place.

I agree completely... it just wasn't clear to me that what I was doing would
be applicable to the core.

> You will want to get the CVS version to make the patch.

I will do so.

> You also mentioned "Since Interpret.evalFlags and Parser are only package
> accessible". What were you trying to do that Jacl did not allow? Can
> you do the same thing in the C version of Tcl? If so, how?

The particular type of command I wanted to add used these "internals" of the
Jacl core... not a normal kind of an extension.  I might also encounter this
if (for example) I wanted to add a specialized control structure.  I don't
need to do that - it's just an example - but Java somewhat prevents me from
using these internals without making my extension commands a member of

My original question was because it "seemed wrong" to do it the way that I
did, and as a newbie to Jacl (though I've Tcl and Java independently for
several years) I assumed there must be a better way or something that I
didn't understand.

    - Lee

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