I have not heard of anyone doing that before, but there is no
reason it should not work. Jacl and Tcl Blend are generic
interfaces to Java, so you do not need "wrapper" code. Just
about anything you can do in Java, can be done in TclJava
with ease. A good way to learn how TclJava works is to
take some Java code you already wrote and convert it over
to TclJava code. If you need any help figuring out how to
convert Java code to TclJava code, feel free to post a small
code fragment to the list.

Here is a little TclJava code fragment to get you started.

package require java

set s [java::new StringBuffer]
$s append "Hello "
$s append "there "
$s append "Bob."

# This will print "Hello there Bob."
puts [$s toString]

Mo Dejong
Red Hat Inc.

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Asim Jalis wrote:

> Has anyone used Jacl to write Java servlet code? How
> well does this work? Any experiences or pointers or URL
> references?
> Asim
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