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>>>"Paul Eng" said:
 > I am looking into using Jacl to call Tcl scripts.  I can call interp.eval()
 > and then interp.getResult() to get the return value, but the return value is
 > a TclObject.  What I would like to do is convert this TclObject result into
 > it's appropriate java object, so that if it's a reflected object, I would
 > get the java object, if it's a TclString, I would get java.lang.String, etc.
 > I found the convertTclObject() method in JavaInvoke which looks like what I
 > want, but the method is not public.  Is there a way I can do this or am I
 > missing something?
 > Thanks,
 > Paul Eng

--      Brent Welch     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Scriptics: The Tcl Platform Company

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