Why do Java folks always create a new term for every little bit of code
they write? A "JFC Action" is nothing more than a callback on an
interface. You can use these in Jacl directly with the java::bind

If you really want to see a cool way to use JFC clases with Jacl
check out http://www.nmrview.com/swank/index.html. The "swank"
project is Tk implemented on top of Swing. By the way, I am
going to be doing a Swank demo at the next SVTUG meeting.
It will be at the Red Hat offices in Sunnyvale CA on
the 16th of this month. Everyone is welcome to stop by for
cool demos and pizza.

Mo Dejong
Red Hat Inc.

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Lee Hall wrote:

> There is an interesting article at
> http://www.javaworld.com/jw-04-2000/jw-0414-action.html?041800txt where the
> author discusses the use of the Command pattern to separate GUI design from
> implementation in a manner similar to the use of JACL described at
> http://www.javafoundry.com/~lhall/weld/
> Are there any white papers describing the use of JACL in JFC Actions?  The
> solution suggested in the referenced article stops short of mentioning a
> standard command interpreter such as JACL, in favor of reinventing the wheel
> using no scripting layer.
>     - Lee

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