Okay, after seeing Mo's note about using the tcljava/unix configure I 
attempted to use it.  Here's what I am seeing:

checking that the jar program did not corrupt the test file... it did not
checking for Tcl build in /vol/tclsrcsol/tcl83/tcl8.3.1/unix
configure: error: /vol/tclsrcsol/tcl83/tcl8.3.1/unix/tclsh is not version 8.3.1 or 

I look in config.log and see:

configure:2117: checking that the jar program did not corrupt the test file
Using CLASSPATH=/vol/java1.2/jre/lib/rt.jar:.
/vol/java1.2/bin/java Test
version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.3, need 8.3.1

However, the code in the 8.3.1 directory is tcl 8.3.1.  I did a 
make clean and then a fresh make and get 

% puts $tcl_version

even though
$ grep PATCH_LEVEL ../generic/tcl.h
#define TCL_PATCH_LEVEL     "8.3.1"

Larry W. Virden <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<URL: http://www.purl.org/NET/lvirden/>
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