I haven't read all of your messages, but this looks like the
known error using Solaris and JRE 1.2.2.  For some reason
this works on all JREs except 1.2.2 and only on Solaris.

-- Scott

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry W. Virden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 11:12 AM
> Subject: [Tcl Java] Re: Tcl Java problems with make test
> Re: updated configure.in to get around Tcl package require bug
> Thanks Mo.  I got the updated, manually re-executed the autoconf
> so that a new
> configure is generated, and got significantly farther <smile>.
> Now, I have some make check problems to ask about.  During the make check,
> these are the only warning/error messages I see.
> tcljava/JavaDefineClassCmd.test
> ==== java::defineclass-2.1 loading a class
> ==== Contents of test case:
>     set file  [open [file join $javaload_full_path Test1Cmd.class]]
>     if {$system == "tclblend"} {
>         fconfigure $file -translation binary
>     }
>     set bytes [read $file]
>     close $file
>     set class [java::defineclass $bytes]
>     java::isnull $class
> ==== Result was:
> 1
> ---- Result should have been:
> 0
> ---- java::defineclass-2.1 FAILED
> ==== java::defineclass-2.2 instantiating a loaded class
> ==== Contents of test case:
>     set file  [open [file join $javaload_path Test2Cmd.class]]
>     if {$system == "tclblend"} {
>         fconfigure $file -translation binary
>     }
>     set bytes [read $file]
>     close $file
>     set class [java::defineclass $bytes]
>     set obj   [java::new Test2Cmd]
>     java::isnull $obj
> ==== Test generated error:
> unknown class "Test2Cmd"
> Is there something I need in my environment for these to work?
> --
> Larry W. Virden <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <URL: http://www.purl.org/NET/lvirden/>
> Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, nothing in this posting should
> be construed as representing my employer's opinions.
> -><-
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