
I'm trying to port TCLBlend 1.2.6 to the Mac, and maybe
I'm in way over my head. You can judge from my questions :-)

1) Is the pkgIndex.tcl file necessary? From what I can tell,
it sets up the paths for TCL and Java to find their respective files.
On the Mac, TCL and Java find their extensions automatically,
if put into the proper folders. And on the Mac, the package provide
statement is also invoked from the library, not from the .tcl file.
Does the file do anything else?

2) When executing the line
    local = (*env)->NewObject(env, java.Interp, java.interpC, lvalue);
in TclBlend_init in javaCmd.c, I'm getting an UnsatisfiedLinkException.
I think it's trying to create a tcl.lang.Interp, and invoke the init method
on it. But that method is declared private, so this call couldn't possibly
succeed? Am I missing something obvious? (The Exception is not due to
the library not being found: it is.)

Many thanks in advance for any hints what's going wrong.

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