Thank you. Would that be "The Mythical TclBlend Patch" of April 4? It's certainly
worth a try. Does anyone have TclBlend 1.2.5 with this patch applied built for

Scott Redman wrote:

> Try commenting out the JAVA_LOCK() code in the the TclBlend
> .c files (actually, just change the #define in the header).
> Or, try using Jiang Wu's patch (see the archive for this
> mailing list).  Jiang's patch is safer.
> -- Scott
> Dr Wes Munsil wrote:
> >
> > [Sorry if this is duplicated. May have sent to the wrong place first. Or
> > not.]
> >
> > I seem to be encountering a deadlock in finalization in TclBlend. I am
> > running JDK 1.1.8, Tcl 8.2.3, and TclBlend 1.2.5 under Vignette's
> > StoryServer 5.0 page-generation product on SunOS 5.6. When the
> > page-generation process hangs, I take a stack snapshot, and what I think
> > are the main thread and the garbage collection thread stacks look
> > suspicious. They are listed below. Do you have any ideas as to what's
> > going on, and what I can do about it? I'd try setting tclblend_init to
> > "-noasyncgc", but that apparently only works with JDK 1.2.2, and in any
> > case I'm afraid that would just make the problem happen less often
> > instead of solving it.
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> >
> > #0  0xeeb397c0 in _lwp_sema_wait ()
> > #1  0xef2c7eb8 in _park ()
> > #2  0xef2c7b9c in _swtch ()
> > #3  0xef2c68bc in _cond_wait_cancel ()
> > #4  0xee99acc8 in condvarWait ()
> > #5  0xee998cc0 in sysMonitorWait ()
> > #6  0xee96638c in runFinalization0 ()
> > #7  0xee968d44 in manageAllocFailure ()
> > #8  0xee96749c in realObjAlloc ()
> > #9  0xee966eb0 in cacheAlloc ()
> > #10 0xee967210 in realObjAlloc ()
> > #11 0xee967ad0 in ObjAlloc ()
> > #12 0xee9600c0 in newobject ()
> > #13 0xee9a0de0 in new_quick_0 ()
> > #14 0xee974708 in jni_Invoke ()
> > #15 0xee976394 in jni_CallVoidMethodV ()
> > #16 0xee97ab5c in invoke_CallVoidMethod ()
> > #17 0xeea46324 in FreeTclObject ()
> > #18 0xef05c7f4 in TclFreeObj ()
> > #19 0xef05ed50 in Tcl_EvalEx ()
> > #20 0xef05e9f4 in Tcl_EvalTokens ()
> > #21 0xef05eccc in Tcl_EvalEx ()
> > #22 0xef05e9f4 in Tcl_EvalTokens ()
> > #23 0xef05eccc in Tcl_EvalEx ()
> > #24 0xef05ef04 in Tcl_Eval ()
> > #25 0xef715e70 in __0fJctlInterpHevalTclRPCcPCcR6JctlBufferi ()
> > #26 0xef715a24 in __0fJctlInterpMevalTemplatePCcUiR6JctlBufferi ()
> > #27 0xef716f7c in __0fJctlInterpEEVALPvP6KTcl_InterpiPPcT ()
> > #28 0x2f8d8 in __0FCIFPvP6KTcl_InterpiPPc ()
> > #29 0xef021e7c in TclInvokeStringCommand ()
> > #30 0xef05e69c in EvalObjv ()
> > #31 0xef05ed18 in Tcl_EvalEx ()
> > #32 0xef05ef04 in Tcl_Eval ()
> > etc...
> >
> >
> > #0  0xeeb397c0 in _lwp_sema_wait ()
> > #1  0xef2c7eb8 in _park ()
> > #2  0xef2c7b9c in _swtch ()
> > #3  0xef2c9314 in _mutex_adaptive_lock ()
> > #4  0xef2c9020 in _cmutex_lock ()
> > #5  0xef2d67d4 in _pthread_mutex_lock ()
> > #6  0xee998a6c in sysMonitorEnter ()
> > #7  0xee985080 in monitorEnter ()
> > #8  0xee97960c in jni_MonitorEnter ()
> > #9  0xeea4679c in Java_tcl_lang_CObject_decrRefCount ()
> > #10 0xee99c504 in desc_loop ()
> > #11 0xee95f7b0 in invokeJNINativeMethod ()
> > #12 0xee99cdd8 in notJavaInvocation ()
> > #13 0xee9711ec in do_execute_java_method_vararg ()
> > #14 0xee970b9c in do_execute_java_method ()
> > #15 0xee966b68 in finalizer_loop ()
> > #16 0xee9993a4 in _start ()
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
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