On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Zhumei Wang wrote:

> Jiang,
> Thanks for answering my question so quickly.
> I was thinking that TclBlend should have all the Tcl commands, too. But
> After I embedded a Tcl interpreter in Java and tried to invoke "history"
> command in Java, it gave me the error message "tcl.lang.TclException:
> invalid command name "history" " I wonder why?

I think Tcl must not be initing itself correctly when embedded in your
application. the history command for Tcl in written in .tcl code while
commands like puts and set are written in C code. If Tcl is
having trouble finding its library of .tcl commands on startup,
that might be the problem.
> I tried some other tcl commands, such as "puts" and "set ". These commands
> seem to work well in java.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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