> > Tcl Blend users should be doing this already.
> I have seen several places where this was not done.  Instead the code relies
> on the Java GC to invoke the TclObject.release() implicitly in the
> 'finalized() method.  In TclBlend's CObject class:
> CObject (
>     long objPtr)
> {
>     this.objPtr = objPtr;
>     incrRefCount(objPtr);
> }
> protected void finalize() throws Throwable
> {
>     if (objPtr != 0) {
>       /*
>        * If the object is finalized while the reference is still valid, 
>        * we need to sever the connection to the underlying Tcl_Obj*.
>        */
>       decrRefCount(objPtr);
>     }
>     super.finalize();
> }

Well, that does not seem like a very good idea. Using the JVM
as a "pseudo GC" for Tcl objects seems like we are just asking
for trouble.

> static final native void
> decrRefCount(
>     long objPtr);             // Pointer to Tcl_Obj.
> If the user had called "TclObject.release()" properly, then the native C
> object would have been free'ed already before the Java object is finalized
> by the GC.  Then the call to "decrRefCount(objPtr)" in the finalized()
> method of a CObject would not invoke Tcl's C function FreeTclObject() during
> GC.  Maybe we can try to comment out the "decrRefCount()" in the above
> finalized() method to test if it is indeed the "FreeTclObject" that is
> causing the deadlock in the GC.

Good point. I think it might actually be better to put a panic()
in the finalize() method for a Tcl object, that way we will know
that someone forgot to decr a ref count instead of silently leaking
Tcl objects.

> For example, in the Shell.java, there are code such as:
>       interp.getResult().toString();
> Now, interp.getResult() can potentially return a CObject.  Since nothing
> stored the reference to the returned CObject, the corresponding native C
> object is free'ed implicitly by the GC during finalization.  For this code
> to be really safe, it should be:

I was under the impression that the interp would always do a
preserve() for you because of this exact case. When a new interp
result is set, it would call release().

>       String result;
>       TclObject resObj;
>       resObj = interp.getResult();
>       resObj.preserve();
>       result = resObj.toString();
>       resObj.release();
> -- Jiang Wu

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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