Dear Sir,

how can I access a public attribute in a Java class via Jacl ?

Java-class example :
public class testClass
        public void   doDummy (String dumstr);  // no problem
        public String dummyAttribute;           // how set it via Jacl ???

Jacl-access example :
set theTestClass [java::new testClass]
$theTestClass doDummy  "blabla"                 // no problem
$theTestClass dummyAttribute  "blabla"          // how set it via Jacl ???

I need access to public attributes, because I use a Corba-Idl-interface
generated by VisiBroker. This tools generates structures with public data
members without set-methods. 
If I couldn't use these generated structures, I would have to reimplement
the whole generated Corba-structures by classes with set-methods. Much work


Frank Krahmer                       Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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