On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Christian Krone wrote:

> Hello,
> > I am thinking that it might be good to change the name of
> > the Tcl package for Tcl/Java related things to tcljava
> > instead of java.
> I like the package name "java".
> IMHO the interfaces to other systems don't need to contain the
> string Tcl, since as a Tcl-script writer I know that I'm working
> with Tcl. (If Tom P. had asked me, OraTcl would be called Oracle,
> or at least the package command would go "package require oracle")

I don't know about that. If someone wanted to load IncrTcl, I don't
think "package require Incr" would be the first thing they would
think of.

> > I think this will make things easier
> > to explain because we will not have this extra
> > "The Java package" thing to explain.
> But there would be "The TclJava package" thing, wouldn't it?

tcljava.jar -> The home of the "tcljava" package

jacl.jar -> The code that implements Jacl.

tclblend.so -> The code that implements Tcl Blend.

> > You would have to change "package require java"
> > to "package require tcljava", but I don't think
> > that is too big a deal.
> Right, it would be no big deal, but I can't see the real benefits...

I am not saying it would save the world, I just think it
would make it easier to explain the "shared code" that
is used by both Jacl and Tcl Blend. This has always been
hard to explain to new users.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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