so, I just had another idea:

I don't really need (or even want) more than 1 JVM for all the tcl threads.
On the Java side I have threads that allow concurrency among incoming
requests, so the structure I really want is:

        - master tcl thread does 'package require java', which creates an instance
             of the JVM
        - all other threads that want to make JVM requests share that one instance,
             using appropriate synchronization around any critical section code

Right now, the code that implements the 'package require java' command creates
a new JVM per thread.  What about implementing another tcljava command that
lets me create one JVM and then share it among the tcl threads? That would
workaround the current multithread/tclblend bug, and it would be more
efficient (since otherwise I'm starting up the JVM every time a request
comes in on the tcl side).

Thoughts?  Seems like this would be pretty easy to implement.
  - Mike

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