I have just merged the changes needed to use Tcl Blend
in a multi-threaded environment back into the HEAD
of the CVS. These changes should finally fix ALL
of the strange problems people were having with
Tcl Blend and multiple threads. The "big global lock"
has been removed, so lock contention in a multi-threaded
environment should no longer be an issue.

These changes also make it possible to load
Tcl Blend into Java in a thread safe way.
These changes will also finally fix the bug
that was causing deadlock in the garbage collector.
The Windows makefile.vc was also updated. Note,
that Tcl Blend now requires a version of Tcl
that is built with thread support, so don't
forget to add the --enable-threads flag
when you configure Tcl.

Since, the source code is now hosted in sourceforge,
you will have to checkout a new module.

The CVS info is: (using csh)

setenv CVSROOT :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/tcljava

cvs login
(just hit return for the password)

cvs checkout tcljava

Happy Hacking.
Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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