I have found very strange behavior of ROText in Tcl::Tk.

1. Selection (tag 'sel') works halfway and differently on each platform:
It only work via mouse (not via arrow keys) and it is visible only on
Linux. On Mac and Windows, selection is there, but invisible.

2. Key bindings (e.g. $t->bind( "<Key-j>", \&TagAsPerson );) do not work
(respective tagging functions work fine via buttons).

3. On Windows both 1. and 2. are true when I load my Tcl::Tk application
alone. However as soon as I load any Perl::Tk or Tkx application (it
does not have to contain an ROText widget) when Tcl::Tk one is running,
Tcl::Tk ROText starts behaving differently (better for me, actually!):
-- selection becomes visible
-- most key bindings start working 
-- cursor (still invisible) can be placed via mouse click
-- selection via arrows works, but only horizontally. 
   Vertical arrows do nothing.

Just now I have found this modification also happens when I have no
selection and try to create a tag. I get Tcl error and then it works as
described above, no other application loading necessary.

Why is this happening?

and more importantly:
How can I make Tcl::Tk ROText behave this way by default on all systems
without the strange magic?
I need sellection, cursor and (all) key bindings working consistently


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