
This email is in response to:

<If you have been around for a while as a technical communicator, do you
feel that you have outgrown STC and some of the more traditional online
forums (lists like Techwr-l, TCP, FrameUsers, and such)?>

I have been a technical writer/editor for about 10 years, and while that
only FEELS like an eternity, it isn't that long in terms of a
professional career. Even so, I must admit that I really haven't
participated much in my local STC chapter (though I've been a member for
years), and I've never attended an STC national conference. 

So, why not? As others have mentioned, many of the sessions seem less
applicable to me than sessions at other conferences. Our small
department has a limited conference/training budget, and I would rather
spend the time and money learning new things--even at a conference where
my profession may be only marginally respresented--as opposed to
networking with other technical writers. Now, I'm not saying that
networking isn't important, but I also think that, in some ways, going
to a conference with another focus (like eLearning, for example) gives
me a different perspective, and allows me to mentally "try on" new ways
of doing what I do everyday. It's just more exciting to me. 

Another reason I don't participate in STC in general is that it seems
rather "old school" for a society so embedded with technology. My job is
a mix of writer and educator (among other things), and from that
perspective, it seems like STC is wedded to traditional delivery formats
(powerpoints, pdfs, multi-day conferences, webinars by phone, hard copy
magazines, etc.) instead of enbracing the new technology we are
documenting and using to create better documentation & training. It's
like the society itself needs to advance technologically to make it seem
relevant to me. Maybe I don't have three full days I can dedicate to a
conference, but I could probably spend a few minutes watching/listening
to a podcast on a topic I am interested in. An RSS feed of new topics
posted to SIG forums or sites might be one way to get me more engaged.
If I have a burning question about a technical writing concept, I would
much rather go to the main STC site, conduct an STC site-specific
search, and retrieve results from all of the different chapaters,
communities, and forums within STC, rather than hunt and peck through
Google search results. (Don't get me wrong...I don't want to make it
seem like I am only interested in technology and gadgets. What I am
interested in is how technology/gadgets can be used to facilitiate
learning, growth, and personal/professional development.)

And just in case you were wondering, the conference I'm attending this
year is the eLearning DevCon 2007 conference
(http://www.elearndevcon.com/ ).
I went to it last year, and overall was very impressed with the focus on
elearning development and the way it embraces technology while
advocating instructional design. It is designed for elearning
developers, but I've found that the topics covered could certainly be
applicable for writers as well (particularly those developing material
for the web).

Thanks for listening!

Jean Ashley
Sr. Technical Communicator, Information Systems
Intermountain Healthcare
Phone: (801) 442-6720
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