I'm not going to go into why I disagree with most of Holly's point. I will,
however, address these:

"Fourth, I don't know of any chapter or community that restricts its
presentations or webinars to STC members only.
Our programs in Atlanta are designed to attract people from our
profession as a whole. Competitions are open to non-members as well."

And that has to do with what exactly? If I don't have to be a member to
attend these events, then why SHOULD I be a member?

"My employers have always been impressed that I am a member and encourage
my activity in the organization."

Funny, MY employers have always been impressed with the work that I do, and
my involvement in the help authoring community. Although three of my last
three employers would pay my membership fee, I declined.

Finally, just because you are a member of STC doesn't mean you can actually
do your job. I've interviewed countless people who are active members who,
well, heck, I won't comment since I can't say anything nice. Just because
you (or your employer) has paid your membership dues doesn't mean you are a
qualified "technical communicator." (BTW, why did you pick on my usage
of "technical writing." Semantics. Seriously.)

I don't drink the Kool-Aid. Sorry, but I just don't. I do see improvements.
But not a single one of your "arguments" are enough to want me to re-up. In
fact, most of what you mentioned should have been done years ago, or else
don't apply to me (the publications, for example, didn't really provide much
for me). So the current leadership is finally doing something about what we
do. For some of us, it may be too little too late.

Again, we ARE entitled to our own opinions. I would prefer to see someone
respond who's not in an active leadership role.


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