I can't remember who "owned" RoboHelp 2000 (I think it was eHelp?), but
they'd provided a patch to support whatever the current version of Word was
released while RH 2000 was the latest version. The system requirements
(assuming you received a box) should specify the version of Word that would
work. There would not be a "driver or interpreter" available, since RH
integrates so tightly with Word (using DLLs).

And FWIW, there's no "hassle" having two versions of Word installed. If you
end up launching the wrong version by double-clicking a file, simply create
a Send To shortcut for each version of Word. Then just right-click the file,
choose Send To, and then the version you want to use.


On 11/18/07, Gary Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you all for the information.  Just for the record, I have used
> RoboHelp since version 3 and I knew what I was buying.  I was just
> hoping some clever person had found a driver or interrepter that would
> save me the hassle of two version of MS Word on my system.
> Gary Robinson wrote:
> > I've just scored a RH2000 off of eBay for next to no money.
> > Unfortunately it refuses to run with my MS Word 2007 which I installed
> > to serve a client.  Does anyone know of a work around either using
> > Word or OpenOffice or do I have to start looking for my MS Offfice 97?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Gary G. Robinson
> Technical Communications Consultant
> ph: 734-426-5218   mobil: 734-775-9787
> www.linkedin.com/in/ggrobinson
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