Actually, you missed my point (and my "a bit of an extrovert" is actually,
I'm an introvert but I work at being extroverted)...

My personality type has nothing to do with how I work with people in the
office. When I am in the office I make a point to walk around and say hello
to people. I also make a point to respond to people (when I'm home) as
quickly as possible. Working relationships are two-way streets and you have
to cultivate the relationships and nurture them. That other writer? She's
not shy, she just really doesn't make an effort. She, apparently, has never
realized the value of befriending those you work with (although "befriend"
is probably the wrong word).

There are other things I do, to ensure that they like me, they really like
me! For example, the QA folks were very helpful to me when I first started,
and they continue to help me when I have a question (just as I help them).
These are people who I really appreciate, and I just sent off a batch of
homemade cookies to them with a note stating exactly that.

My personality type has nothing to do with the success of my working
remotely. The fact that I work at being visible even when I'm not physically
there, and work at maintaining relationships when I am, does.


On 11/27/07, McLauchlan, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The salient point that I got from your post is that you are
> "a bit of an extrovert".
> In the context of relationships, pretty much all else
> that you said flows from that.
> If the other writer is a bit of an introvert and techy geek,
> then it probably doesn't even occur to her to come out on
> some imposed schedule (it would be imposed, not natural
> to her) and engage in uncomfortable banter about topics
> that she never thinks about _except_ when somebody else
> is trying to banter (sports, other people's babies, other
> people's pets, other people's vacation trips, gossip).
> <snip>

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