Hate to say this, but I'm exactly the same size as when I started this
career 20 years ago. I weigh a couple pounds more, but that is more likely
attributed to age rather than job. I'm also slightly less active lately
(mostly due to surgery) but that will change in the (hopefully) not too
distant future.

Some things that may make a difference... I live in an urban area and my
neighborhood is very "walkable." So I walk to the grocery store a couple of
times a week (sort of doing the European thing by shopping for what you need
when you need it, so it's fresh). Many other errands are "walked"
(Starbucks, hardware store, pharmacy, and so on). I'm also a vegetarian and
by nature eat healthy (rarely anything fried; my only real vice is
chocolate) and rarely drink. I work well over 10 hours a day, sometimes more
like 12.

I think it's the lifestyle that is sedentary, not the career. :)

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 7:00 AM, Jones, Donna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone else watched their posterior expand as their career advanced?
> After many years of sitting on my backside at my computer as a technical
> writer and editor, I had to admit that using a mouse, typing, and
> pushing buttons on the printer that I was documenting wasn't enough
> exercise to keep me healthy. Obviously, any office-type job keeps you
> idle for the better part of the work day, and it can be easy to move
> from the computer, to your car, to your sofa, and then to bed every day.
> What ways (if any) do you use to keep yourself healthy while continuing
> to pursue your communication dreams (or nightmares...)?
> About six weeks ago, one of my coworkers and I started holding each
> other accountable for having exercised the day before. I find myself
> consistently doing something--even if it's just a quick 15- or 20-minute
> walk--just so I don't have to tell her that I did nothing. And our
> enthusiasm for getting physically fit appears to be contagious because
> another of our coworkers has started joining us if we go for walks at
> lunch.
> I know this is a little bit of a stretch regarding communication, but
> it's something directly related to our careers and our health. Are we
> all destined to be huge and unfit by the time we retire (or die of some
> avoidable disease), or is there hope for getting and staying healthy?
> Donna
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