> Is there a limit on how big the string can be for specifying the filter to
> pcap in pcap_compile. My filter needs to exclude a bunch of ip addresses
> (eg: tcpdump host not and host not ...upto 50 addresses)

There are definitely limits for the operating systems which do in-kernel
filtering (FreeBSD in my case) - specifically, there is a limit to how
many instructions the kernel will accept for the BPF interpreter. FreeBSD
as of 4.9 has:

/sys/net/bpf.h:         #define BPF_MAXINSNS 512

I recently tested a bit and for a filter with 200 (src addr, dst port)
pairs I had to increase the number of instructions to 2048. I seem to
remember that 50 addresses (or in my case, 50 pairs) was no problem.

> If no such limit (other than reasonable buffer size and sanity checks) is
> it safe and efficient to add that many (50) IP addresses to the filter?

Safe provided you can get the kernel to accept a sufficiently large
filter. Efficient? Maybe - if you need to compare with 50 addresses I
believe it will do a sequential comparison with address 1, address 2,

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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