Guy Harris wrote:
If a received packet has a bad IP header or UDP checksum, it should get discarded at the IP or UDP layer, so that your application would *never* see it, not just see it after 20ms.

I should have been more clear-- the UDP packets have checksums of 0x00, not bad checksums. I believe that this means that the checksum is ignored. This still does not explain the 20 ms execution time.

If that's what you want - i.e., if the server is supposed to log all the UDP packets in question, even if they have a checksum error - then it should use libpcap.

I have rewritten the application using libpcap, and it is definitely faster. The receive time now varies between < 1 ms to ~12 ms. I haven't tested it very thoroughly yet, so I don't know how it does under load. Also, I'm using pcap_next() to grab one packet at a time. I could probably do better grabbing a few at once.

I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the response and the software.


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