As promised, I grabbed *current* and compiled libpcap with +DD64. It appears to have been OK. I went to compile tcpdump, but tcpdump-current.tar.gz unpacks to 2004-07-21, not 22. I simplisticly took that to mean it didn't update bits from before.

On a lark, I added a "+M0" to turn-on migration warnings and re-did the libpcap stuff. That generated a number of warnings, some of which may actually be issues in libpcap, but many of which I suspect are issues for HP to deal with. There are about 2100 lines of output in all, I suspect I shouldn't dump that onto the mailing list :)

here are the warnings from pcap-dlpi.c: (July 22 version)

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 245: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 278: LP64 migration warning 753: <= converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 278: LP64 migration warning 732: Different types treated as unsigned for <=.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 278: LP64 migration warning 753: - converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 284: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 290: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 329: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.

Those above look mostly harmless.

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 346: LP64 migration warning 720: Assignment may overflow integer.

I'm guessing this one is harmless as ep and bp are unlikely to get 2GB or more apart right?-)

                        if (++n >= cnt && cnt >= 0) {
                >>>>                p->cc = ep - bp;
                                p->bp = bp;
                                return (n);

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 372: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 376: LP64 migration warning 720: Argument #3 may overflow integer.

        ret = dlrawdatareq(p->send_fd, buf, size);

I guess that one depends on how large size is likely to get.

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 378: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 463: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #3 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 476: LP64 migration warning 753: <= converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 476: LP64 migration warning 732: Different types treated as unsigned for <=.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 476: LP64 migration warning 753: - converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 478: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 478: LP64 migration warning 753: <= converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 478: LP64 migration warning 732: Different types treated as unsigned for <=.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 478: LP64 migration warning 753: - converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 478: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 502: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 769: LP64 migration warning 753: * converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 801: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 802: LP64 migration warning 753: Cast converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 887: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 893: LP64 migration warning 753: * converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 894: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #1 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 896: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #3 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 948: LP64 migration warning 733: - between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 950: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 956: LP64 migration warning 733: - between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 956: LP64 migration warning 733: - between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 956: LP64 migration warning 733: - between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 959: LP64 migration warning 720: Assignment may overflow integer "unit".
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 961: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1034: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1055: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long

most of those 32-bit ints to longs as args are str* calls...

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1060: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.

That one depends on the alignment of the buf field of a struct strbuf:

dlp = (union DL_primitives *) ctl.buf; switch (dlp->dl_primitive) {

In the HP-UX include file, the struct strbuf is defined as:

struct  strbuf {
        int     maxlen;         /* max buffer length */
        int     len;            /* length of data */
        char *  buf;            /* pointer to buffer */

So that depends on what we get out of malloc, or in this case, the alignment of the bufp parm to recv_ack.

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1076: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1082: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1089: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1096: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1551: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1556: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.

That one above is a similar strbuf.buf kind of thing:

dlp = (dl_hp_ppa_ack_t *)ctl.buf; if (dlp->dl_primitive != DL_HP_PPA_ACK) {

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1558: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1564: LP64 migration warning 753: < converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1564: LP64 migration warning 732: Different types treated as unsigned for <.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1565: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1572: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #1 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1573: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1582: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1588: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1595: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1596: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.

variations on the theme...

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1619: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1619: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.

again :)

cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1647: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1651: LP64 migration warning 753: Assignment converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1656: LP64 migration warning 753: == converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1660: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1660: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1664: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long
cc: "pcap-dlpi.c", line 1669: LP64 migration warning 753: Argument #2 converts 32 bit integer to long

Most of them look mostly harmless. However, the loose to strict alignment stuff is a triffle worrying.

There are similar things in fad-gifc.c involving the argments to str* routines, and then some loose to strict alignment warnings on casts:

c: "fad-gifc.c", line 306: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.
cc: "fad-gifc.c", line 307: LP64 migration warning 733: + between pointer and 32 bit integer.
cc: "fad-gifc.c", line 307: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.

        ifrp = (struct ifreq *)buf;
        ifend = (struct ifreq *)(buf + ifc.ifc_len);

similar cast warnings in inet.c:

cc: "inet.c", line 550: LP64 migration warning 530: Casting from loose to strict alignment: Resulting pointer may be misaligned.
sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr;
*netp = sin->sin_addr.s_addr;

another loose to strict warning in savefile.c for the assignment to f here:

pcap_dump(u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *sp)
        register FILE *f;
        struct pcap_sf_pkthdr sf_hdr;

        f = (FILE *)user;

and the cast here:

pcap_dump_file(pcap_dumper_t *p)
        return ((FILE *)p);

and here:

pcap_dump_flush(pcap_dumper_t *p)

        if (fflush((FILE *)p) == EOF)
                return (-1);
                return (0);

and finally here:

pcap_dump_close(pcap_dumper_t *p)

#ifdef notyet
        if (ferror((FILE *)p))
        /* XXX should check return from fclose() too */
        (void)fclose((FILE *)p);

looks like the FILE structure has pointers in it, which forces 8-byte alignment, and I'm guessing pcap_dumper_t has no pointers or longs in it so is only 4-byte alignment required.

there were _boatloads_ of warnings about "+" between pointer and 32 bit integer in scanner.c, and a few in grammar.y

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