On Jul 29, 2004, at 1:11 PM, Lowrie, Tom wrote:

Adding -lcfg along with -lodm solves my problem. Thanks for the
push in the right direction.

Next step will be to figure how to compile the libpcap source so
that these libraries are included.

The standard libpcap build procedure in the main CVS branch supports shared libraries only on:

        platforms using the GNU linker;

        Mac OS X;

because it hasn't been libtoolized, and the 0.8 and earlier build procedures don't support it at all.

This means that, unless building a library with "ar" produces a shared library on AIX (which it might do), you only get an archive library. I don't know whether an archive library on AIX can be linked with other libraries, and don't know whether building a shared library in AIX and linking it with other libraries means you can link an application with that library and automatically get it linked with the libraries with which that library was linked (that works in, as I remember, the SunOS 4.x shared library mechanism, and thus it might also work with the SVR4 shared library mechanism, derived from the SunOS 4.x one, and used in Linux and the ELF-based BSDs as well).

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