On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 01:08:49AM +1000, Darren Reed wrote:
> In some email I received from Fulvio Risso, sie wrote:
> > Darren, could you please give us some numbers?
> > If you take a look at this paper:
> > 
> >   F. Risso, L. Degioanni
> >   An architecture for high performance network analysis
> > 
> > http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/7446/20240/00935450.pdf?tp=&arnumber=935450&;
> > isnumber=20240&arSt=686&ared=693&arAuthor=Risso%2C+F.%3B+Degioanni%2C+L.%3B
> I don't have an IEEE login.  Feel free to email it to me.

Several papers - including, it appears, that one - are available from
links on

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