Guy Harris wrote:

On Dec 1, 2004, at 3:31 PM, Robert Lowe wrote:

In testing a small app using libpcap, I noticed differences in behaviour when
using the loopback interface vs. using a hardware interface. In particular,
it seems the packets coming in over the loopback interface are still in host
byte order (little endian, in this case).

Packets aren't in any byte order; particular fields in the packet might be in a particular byte order.

Right, sorry for that.

In the link-layer header used with BSD-style loopback interfaces, the 4-byte packet type is, in most BSDs, in host byte order - it's obviously known that the machines on both side of the connection have the same byte order :-) - but, at least in newer versions of OpenBSD, it's in network byte order.

On Linux, the link-layer header is a fake Ethernet header, and the type field *should* be in network byte order (big-endian).

The IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP header fields should be in network byte order.

Well, I was reporting this from memory. Let me back up a bit. When I first looked at pcap, I went through Tim Carsten's tutorial, referenced from the website. Using that code (sniffer.c) on Linux with a downed eth0 i/f (forcing the dev to any) results in very weird ip src/dst addrs and ports that look partly like byte swapped information, and partly like wrong offsets. For example, source might look like and dest like It works fine for packets off the wire.

This leads me to another question.  I've seen recommendations to roll your
own structs for IP/TCP headers, hinting that there might be slight differences
in the definitions between platforms.  Is this really true?  I decided to
use the definitions in the provided header files, and when I tested with my
app, it showed correct behaviour in both cases (off the wire and loopback).
But, if portability is an issue, what is the recommended course of action?

On what OS are you doing this?

Linux, FC2 (2.6.5-1.358) and FC3 (can't retrieve right now), in particular. But, I'd like this app to build and run on BSD-derived systems and Solaris.

Is that typical, or just an
OS-dependent artifact? In trying to find the answer, I came across a function
in the pcap library, pcap_datalink(). If I really wanted my app to work using
the loopback interface, I assume I would use this function to determine whether
or not to invoke byte order altering functions.

If you really want your app to work on anything other than Ethernet interfaces, you would use that function to determine what to do with the link-layer header.

If it returns DLT_EN10MB, it's Ethernet (don't worry about the "10MB", that's a historical artifact from the days when there was the experimental 3Mb/s Ethernet and the standard 10Mb/s Ethernet, and they had different link-layer headers; all Ethernets 10Mb and up have the same header, and use DLT_EN10MB).

If it returns DLT_NULL, it's BSD-style loopback, with a link-layer header containing a 4-byte AF_ value in *host* byte order.

If it returns DLT_LOOP, it's BSD-style loopback, with a link-layer header containing a 4-byte AF_ value in *network* byte order.

Beware - the AF_ value is the value for the OS on which the capture is being done, and AF_INET6 has different values on {Net,Open}BSD, FreeBSD, and OS X! If you want to handle save files as well as live captures, make sure you check for all the AF_INET6 values.

Thank you for the information! I don't think I'll bother trying this now, but I certainly will at some point.


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