hi again , after i made the necessary changes to libpcap api and wrote a pcap-septel.c using the septel library files , i need to know now ,if you dont mind , what changes do i have to make to ethereal so that it will support it .
as i think it should be something like capture_septel routine , but i'm still not quiet sure .

sorry if i had to send this message to tcpdump because it's the same topic .

Gilbert HOYEK

From: Guy Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: tcpdump-workers@lists.tcpdump.org
To: tcpdump-workers@lists.tcpdump.org
Subject: Re: [tcpdump-workers] new media support(Intel/Septel)
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:39:34 -0700

gilbert HOYEK wrote:

2-in pcap-linux.c only pcap-open-live and pcap-platform-finddevs contains
#ifdef HAVE_DAG_API ..... so do i have to make similar code (#if def HAVE_SEPTEL_API ...) to only these two funtions in pcap-linux.c ?


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