Toeung, Chanthy wrote:

I'm doing a project on creating a plugins of packet IPMB ( with I2C
interface ) in Wireshark.

Now i need a specific DLT code for this packet so that i can put my
code in Open Source of Wirshark. Can you please assign me one number ?

So presumably the first byte of the packet data will be the slave
address, followed by the netFn and LUN, followed by the checksum, etc.?

Moreover, Can you tell me how to add a new Capture type to libpcap ?

Capture type, or DLT_ type?

If you mean "capture type", i.e. a new mechanism for capturing traffic
(so that you can capture traffic on the I2C bus), you'd have to modify
the pcap-*.c file for the OS on which you're doing this (pcap-win32.c
for Windows, pcap-linux.c for Linux, pcap-bpf.c for various BSDs
including OS X, pcap-dlpi.c for Solaris and some other UN*Xes, etc.).

See, for example, pcap-linux.c's "pcap_open_live()" routine.  It checks
for some special device names - any name with "dag" in it is assumed to
be an Endace DAG device, any name with "septel" in it is assumed to be
an Intel SS7 device, etc. - and, for each of the special device name
types, calls a special open_live routine.

If you want to add an I2C/IPMB capture device, you'd add a similar chunk
of code to the open_live routine for the OS you're using, and have it
call an open_live routine for I2C/IPMB.  That routine would check the
device name (it might, for example, be "i2c" or "ipmb"), allocate a
pcap_t data structure, and fill it in appropriately.

Some of the items to fill in are pointers to routines to, for example,
read a new packet from the device.

See, for example, the Linux Bluetooth and USB capture devices for
examples.  Unfortunately, there's no "how to add a new type of capture
device" documentation - and the interface for that will probably change
at some point.

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