On Jan 22, 2009, at 4:05 PM, Chris Morgan wrote:


I wasn't sure if this question was answered anywhere, I've searched
via google and looked on the mailing lists but haven't seen any

How does one get a ipv6 address from the sockaddr struct pointed to by

Welcome to the wonderful world of C, the programming language that combines the power of assembly language with the convenience of assembly language....

"struct sockaddr" is a sort of place-holder structure. There are few, if any, real "struct sockaddr" structures out there; instead, there are "struct sockaddr_XXX" structures, for various values of XXX. "struct sockaddr" is an abstraction that covers all of them; all "struct sockaddr_XXX" structures begin with members that are the same as the non-"sa_data" members of "struct sockaddr", and with the same structure offsets as those members, and have, following that, the address-type-specific data, starting at the same offset as the "sa_data" member of "struct sockaddr", but not necessarily having the same *length* as the "sa_data" member of that structure - it could be longer (and possibly shorter).

Once you've determined the address family of an address structure by dereferencing a "struct sockaddr *" that you've been handed, you should cast the "struct sockaddr *" to the appropriate "struct sockaddr_XXX *" type - "struct sockaddr_un" for UNIX-domain socket addresses, "struct sockaddr_in" for IPv4 addresses, "struct sockaddr_in6" for IPv6 addresses, etc. - and get the address family- specific information from the "struct sockaddr_XXX" pointed to by the result of that cast.

I have devices with addresses of type AF_INET6 but since
the sockaddr struct is defined to have only 14 bytes of protocol
address how does one get a 16 byte ipv6 address out of this 14 byte

By realizing that, in fact, what you've been handed is a pointer to a "struct sockaddr_in6", cast to a pointer to a "struct sockaddr", because the address family is AF_INET6.

For a bit more detailed discussion of this, go to


go to the Single UNIX Specification Version 3 (you'll have to register, but don't worry about it - it's free, just a nuisance), and go to the page for <sys/sockets.h>, which says:

The <sys/socket.h> header shall define the unsigned integer type sa_family_t.

The <sys/socket.h> header shall define the sockaddr structure that includes at least the following members:

        sa_family_t  sa_family  Address family.
        char         sa_data[]  Socket address (variable-length data).

The sockaddr structure is used to define a socket address which is used in the bind(), connect(), getpeername(), getsockname(), recvfrom(), and sendto() functions.

The <sys/socket.h> header shall define the sockaddr_storage structure. This structure shall be:

o Large enough to accommodate all supported protocol-specific address structures

o Aligned at an appropriate boundary so that pointers to it can be cast as pointers to protocol-specific address structures and used to access the fields of those structures without alignment problems

The sockaddr_storage structure shall contain at least the following members:

        sa_family_t   ss_family

When a sockaddr_storage structure is cast as a sockaddr structure, the ss_family field of the sockaddr_storage structure shall map onto the sa_family field of the sockaddr structure. When a sockaddr_storage structure is cast as a protocol-specific address structure, the ss_family field shall map onto a field of that structure that is of type sa_family_t and that identifies the protocol's address family.

These conventions aren't libpcap-isms; other APIs, such as getaddrinfo(), use those conventions - for example, the "struct addrinfo"s handed back by getaddrinfo() have "struct sockaddr *" pointers in them.
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