
I'm trying a little experiment called uml_dump which connect to uml_switch (used to relay messages between user-mode linux instances) with the goal to dump packet for ethereal. It would be interesting for educational purposes: students can see packets between "emulated" linux.

I already made a little program which connect to uml_sniff and receive a copy of each packet. But now I need to dump byte arrays (each packet) to a file or the standard output in CAP format.

The best solution is to use libpcap but It doesn't seem easy. My first solution was to create my own instance of pcap_t and change function pointers to my own functions. But on most distribution pcap-int.h is not available (this file is only used to create the library), and people who wants to use the API just manipulate the pointer to the instance of struct pcap_t.

Is there any solutions, because the only one I see is to modify libpcap to create a "false" device ? My Plan B is to dump by myself the cap file, but It would be boring and not elegant ;-)

Thank you.


fn:Julien Iguchi-Cartigny
tel;cell:+33 (0)

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