On Aug 22, 2010, at 11:44 PM, Guy Harris wrote:

> On Aug 21, 2010, at 3:30 PM, Jim Lloyd wrote:
>> Does this mean the 512Mb memory buffer is huge overkill?
> For this application, it might be.

Of course, we must bear in mind that the average human has one breast and one 
testicle.[*] :-)

*On average*, a buffer big enough to hold 4 packets would be sufficient if 
you're getting between 3.009 and 3.5 packets, on average, when capturing, but 
if, for example, some packets require a lot more processing in your application 
than others, you might, for example, get 10 packets while processing some 
batches of packets.  Even given that, 512MB is probably overkill, but the 
interesting numbers to measure for that are the maximum number of bytes worth 
of packet data and the number of packets in that batch, and the maximum number 
of packets in a batch.  From that, you can calculate the amount of buffer space 
required for both of those extreme-case batches.

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