On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Marc Abramowitz

> The end result of all of this is that you push new commits to GitHub and
> Travis CI fires off a job like this --
> https://travis-ci.org/#!/mcr/tcpdump/builds/2786065

And as to why this first Travis CI build failed, it's because unfortunately
there was overlap in the changes in the two PRs that I submitted that
Michael merged. The Travis PR had a manual patch step in it which did
essentially the same thing as my other PR which simplified the `configure.in`
so the patch command stopped to ask about whether the patch should be
reversed and Travis timed out. Sorry about that. I thought the `configure.in`
stuff was going to take longer to test and discuss before it got merged.

Anyway, here's a PR that removes the hack patch from .travis.yml and makes
the Travis build pass.


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