On Mar 25, 2013, at 2:48 AM, Tomasz Moń <deso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For the USBPcap project I would like to request a new link-layer
> header type value:
> Capture format specification is available at the project website [1]
> and could be described as pseudo-header for USB packets captured using
> USBPcap on Microsoft Windows.

> #pragma pack(1)
> typedef struct
> {
>     USHORT       headerLen; /* This header length */
>     UINT64       irpId;     /* I/O Request packet ID */

So headerLen is at an offset of 0, and irpId is at an offset of 2, right?

>       o irpId is merely a pointer to IRP casted to the UINT64

I.e., it's an 64-bit cookie whose bits have no particular significance, given 
that, within a file, there's nothing for it to point to.

>       o transfer determines the transfer type and thus the header type. See 
> below for details.
>       o dataLength specifies the total length of transfer data to follow 
> directly after the header.
> Transfer-specific headers

Presumably the "transfer-specific header" follows the 
USBPCAP_BUFFER_PACKET_HEADER in the packet data, with the transfer data 
following the transfer-specific header.
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