>>>>> "Mahmood" == Mahmood Naderan <nt_mahm...@yahoo.com> writes:
    Mahmood> I am using scientific linux 6.3 which kernel
    Mahmood> 2.6.32-279.5.1.el6.x86_64. The chassis, say 'A', has 3
    Mahmood> network interfaces. Eth1 has valid IP and is connected to
    Mahmood> internet and eth2 has invalid IP and is connected to
    Mahmood> another local switch. 

    Mahmood> Problem is that the internet is randomly disconnected on
    Mahmood> eth1 so the computer is unreachable through ping
    Mahmood> command. At the same time, there is another chassis, say
    Mahmood> 'B', which has also the same configuration. I mean one
    Mahmood> interface of 'B' is connected to the internet (same
    Mahmood> internet witch as 'A') and one interface to local switch
    Mahmood> (same local switch as 'A'). However 'B' uses Ubuntu 12.04. 


    Mahmood> The situation is very very random, so I tried to use
    Mahmood> "tcpdump -vvv -i eth1" to see if I can find any useful
    Mahmood> information about connect/disconnect messages. 

    Mahmood> Can tcpdump help me with this problem? Any feedback is appreciated.

I think not if you are not very experienced using it.  I would suspect
that you have a duplicate IP address on your internet side.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
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