On Jun 13, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Guy Harris <g...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> It's not a show-stopper - we can just document them as containing a time 
> stamp but note that it's redundant with the time stamp in pcap and pcap-ng 
> files, and say that the time stamp from the pcap packet record header or the 
> pcap-ng packet block header should be used and the time stamp in the packet 
> header should be ignored.
> Given that I've already checked in a LINKTYPE_/DLT_ value of 250, and 
> assigned a value of 251 for Bluetooth Low Energy air interface link-layer 
> packets, we might as well stick with the existing format, with a "time stamp 
> is redundant, don't use it" note.

OK, I've checked in and pushed an update to the link-layer types page; it 
should show up on the tcpdump.org Web site in 24 to 48 hours.

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