Hello, Guy,
Please, see below
08.06.2014 2:17, Guy Harris пишет:
OK, so all we would need to say on http://www.tcpdump.org/linktypes.html would
LINKTYPE_whatever {number} DLT_whatever Trace data blocks, as
specified by Table 3-20 "Trace Data Block Format" in the PICMG HPM.2
with "PICMG HPM.2 specification" linking to
http://www.picmg.org/v2internal/specifications2.cfm?thetype=One&thebusid=12 (that being
the closest thing we can provide to a link to the spec)?
And a trace data block begins with
0 1 Trace Data Block Type
[7:6] Reserved
[5:4] Packet Type
0 – IPMI Trace Packet Data.
1 - Channel State Change Notification.
2 - Embedded ASCII message.
3 - Reserved.
[3:0] – IPMI Channel Number being traced.
and the HPM.2 spec describes the format of IPMI Trace Packet Data (either
directly or by referring to IPMI specs), the format of Channel State Change
Notifications, and the format of embedded ASCII messages?
Also, are the time stamps in pcap records or pcap-ng packet blocks significant,
given that the trace blocks contain their own time stamps?
They would not be significant, if Wireshark did not use them for
displaying packet times. But, since Wireshark does use them, then for
the sake of usability they are in fact significant and should match the
time stamps in the captured trace data blocks.
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