On Sep 10, 2014, at 11:39 AM, Joshua Wright <jwri...@hasborg.com> wrote:

> It would be reasonable to anticipate additional characteristics that could 
> make their way into a capture file for received traffic, such as RSSI and 
> noise levels, antenna selection, etc.  For the requested link types, the 
> packet will start with the MAC Layer data (the 4-byte HomeID comes first), 
> including an FCS, with no additional data.  For captures that require RSSI or 
> additional metadata to be associated with the packet, RadioTap or PPI could 
> be used similar to what is already done for Bluetooth Low Energy and other 
> wireless protocols.

So presumably new LINKTYPE_/DLT_ values will be requested for the captures with 
metadata, once the format for the metadata is specified?

(PPI is *not* an ideal solution here; it's preferable to have the 
LINKTYPE_/DLT_ value directly specify the link-layer header type, rather than 
having the link-layer metadata header itself include a LINKTYPE_ value.)

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