Let's see if my message makes it through the filters this time...

============ Forwarded message ============
From : Denis Ovsienko <de...@ovsienko.info>
To : "tcpdump-workers"<tcpdump-workers@lists.tcpdump.org>
Date : Tue, 24 Jul 2018 14:07:58 +0100
Subject : about bits and frequencies
============ Forwarded message ============
 > Hello list. 
 > I cannot recall the exact discussion, but I vaguely remember a couple years 
 > ago somebody (Guy Harris?) writing something like: 
 > - In this encoding this field tells, in units of x kHz, the frequency of the 
 > wireless channel, this is the maximum frequency (20GHz???) it can represent 
 > given this amount of bits, is it enough or should it be bigger? 
 > ...and I answered something like: 
 > - Off-the-shelf WiFi runs on 5GHz, satellite downlinks are 10-20 GHz and I 
 > read about people experimenting in the bands up to 100GHz, so it would be 
 > future-proof to have more bits in that field. 
 > Recently I have seen $100 wireless access points in the 60GHz band, so some 
 > of those additional bits already can be put to a good use. 
 > --  
 >     Denis Ovsienko 
    Denis Ovsienko

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