I prefer:

b) draft-bittau-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-03

DISCLAIMER: I am working on the tcpcrypt project and so am perhaps biased. Reasons I support tcpcrypt include:
- simpler
- less dependence on other WGs or legacy standards/formats
- adds to the diversity of protocols
- more likely to make it into a kernel
- the Internet-Draft is more detailed
- running code

I also support the TCP-ENO draft (I am a co-author).

-Eric Smith

On 7/24/15 2:16 AM, Martin Stiemerling wrote:

Dear all,

**Please use this CORRECTED version, as one option to choose from below didn't make it into the original.****
Thanks to Erik Rescola for pointing this out to me directly.

This point got lost on the mailing list, but it has been decided in the WG session here at IETF-93 that there will be a Last Call for consensus about which document of the below ones to take as starting point for the WG.

Here are the two drafts:
a) draft-rescorla-tcpinc-tls-option-03
b) draft-bittau-tcpinc-tcpcrypt-03

Please respond to the tcpinc wg mailing list until

   July 31st, 2015
   1pm CEST

on wether you prefer
- either draft a) or b)
- both drafts (a & b) as WG items
- or none

to be accepted as WG item(s).

Please write also your brief reasoning on why you made your choice.

Please note that accepting a draft is not the end of working on the technical content of the draft, but it is actually the starting point when the WG has full change control about the content of the draft!


  Martin Stiemerling
  Transport Area Director

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