I'd agree to Joe's proposal "Although this protocol could benefit from extended 
SYN space, e.g., to support in-band key coordination, future TEPs should expect 
to use only the currently available space."

Michael (chair hat off)

From: Joe Touch <to...@isi.edu>
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2017 17:34
To: David Mazieres expires 2017-05-06 PDT; Scharf, Michael (Nokia - DE); 
Holland, Jake; tcpinc@ietf.org
Cc: t...@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [tcpm] [tcpinc] WGLC for draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno


On 2/5/2017 5:26 AM, David Mazieres wrote:
> "Scharf, Michael (Nokia - DE)" <michael.sch...@nokia.com> writes:
>> While TCPM discusses large SYN options (for a long time already), all
>> known solutions have downsides. I do not believe that a non-TCPM
>> document should speculate on the feasibility solutions.
> Michael, what do you think of the new proposed wording?
>    Various proposals exist to increase the maximum space for options in
>    the TCP header.  Though these proposals are highly experimental--
The non-SYN extension is currently a WG document and intended for
>    particularly those that apply to SYN segments
The SYN extension proposals all have significant known issues and are
both highly experimental and difficult to deploy.

> --TCP-layer encryption
>    could significantly benefit from the availability of increased SYN
>    option space.
It might be useful to differentiate between the potential use of non-SYN
vs. SYN space.

You should be more explicit that "Although this protocol could benefit
from extended SYN space, e.g., to support in-band key coordination,
future TEPs should expect to use only the currently available space."

IMO, the following is speculative and not useful:

>   In particular, if future TEPs can perform key
>    agreement by embedding public keys or Diffie-Hellman parameters
>    within suboption data, it will simplify protocols and reduce the
>    number of round trips required for connection setup.  With large
>    options, the 32-byte limit on length bytes could prove insufficient.
>    This draft intentionally aborts TCP-ENO if a length byte is followed
>    by an octet in the range 0x00-0x9f.
The following appears to direct TCPM docs to update this doc, which is
not appropriate. If there is a SYN extension, it is much more likely to
be a stand-alone doc to update RFC793 and other docs would individually
update protocols that might benefit from that space.

>   Any document updating TCP's
>    option size limit can also define the format of larger suboptions by
>    updating this draft to assign meaning to such currently undefined
>    byte sequences.

> Our goal is not to second-guess TCPM, but rather to provide TCPM with a
> data point that they have a "customer" for large SYN options in the
> unlikely event that some proposal is ever deemed realistic.  I could
> make the wording even stronger, as in:
>    These proposals are highly experimental--with those that apply to SYN
>    segments particularly unlikely to be adopted any time soon--but
>    TCP-layer encryption could significantly benefit from the
>    availability of increased SYN option space.
Actually, the above is much more useful (IMO), but most of the rest of
the paragraph can be omitted.


> But that could be seen as second-guessing TCPM in the other
> direction--telling TCPM we *don't* expect them to standardize large SYN
> options anytime soon.  (Of course, it's true that I don't expect them to
> do that, but it might not be my place to say so in an RFC unless you
> sign off on the language...)
> As always, concrete suggestions on wording are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> David
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