
Thank you for your review.


On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 12:16 AM, Barry Leiba <> wrote:
> Reviewer: Barry Leiba
> Review result: Has Issues
> I’ve looked at Stephen Kent’s review and the discussion thereof, and have
> little to add to that.  A couple of small things:
> 1. Section 3 says that the subsections “describes the tcpcrypt protocol at an
> abstract level.”  There is no sense in which this description is abstract, and
> I’d prefer that we not try to say it is, because that gives a reader an
> expectation that it will be high-level, and perhaps even non-normative.  Maybe
> this?:
>    This section provides details of the operation of the tcpcrypt protocol.
>    The wire format of all messages is specified in Section 4.
> 2. In Section 7 (IANA), you say:
>    Tcpcrypt's TEP identifiers will need to be incorporated in IANA's
>    "TCP encryption protocol identifiers" registry under the
>    "Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Parameters" registry
> I can find no such registry.  Can you help me here, maybe give me a URL?
> Also, with respect to the new “tcpcrypt AEAD Algorithm" registry:
>    Future assignments are to be made under the "RFC Required" policy
> Note that that policy allows for assignments to be made in any RFC stream,
> which includes the IRTF, the IAB, and the Independent Stream.  Do you really
> want people to be able to send documents to the Independent Stream Editor, and
> to have them published and make assignments with minimal review?
> You might consider whether “IETF Review” is more appropriate.  That allows 
> RFCs
> of any type (Standards Track, Informational, Experimental, BCP), but requires
> that they be in the IETF stream and have a formal IETF last call.
> It will also help IANA if you make it clear what the valid range of values is
> for the “Value” column.  Is 0x0000 valid?  Is 0xFFFF the maximum?  Explicitly
> saying that values must be in the range 0x0001 to 0xFFFF inclusive will be
> helpful.  (I say this with particular note that you changed how the Value 
> field
> is specified between -07 and -09, so this clearly has not even been clear to
> the spec developers.)
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