On 02/17/2016 11:09 AM, Max Binder wrote:
Anyone have a process or tool for this besides manually editing the text in an etherpad?

I've encountered this hiccup with a few teams now. Most folks I've talked to about it would like an easy way to transfer text from etherpads to wikis quickly, without having to worry about writing the etherpad text in wiki markup.

I just filed https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T127207 .. once that is fixed (which shouldn't be difficult), you can take the HTML from etherpad and use Parsoid to serialize it to wikitext (via https://en.wikipedia.org/api/rest_v1/?doc#!/Transforms/post_transform_html_to_wikitext_title_revision) which basically talks to Parsoid (or http://parsoid-lb.eqiad.wikimedia.org/_html/ .. but this entrypoint is going away soon).

We'll try to fix T127207 soon which should make this usable. The output will still need some massaging. This is still not quite seamless .. but, a first step.

Over the last 6 months, we have had different possibilities like this emerge. google doc html -> wikitext; markup (github or other flavours) -> wikitext; and now etherpad html -> wikitext. Perhaps we should provide some helper web api somewhere that uses parsoid under the hood to massage the html a bit and generate clean wikitext. Looks like a good opw / gsoc project. :)


I also stumbled across this extension:

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