The milestone columning feature, while something I can see providing value,
doesn't do much for my POs so far. However, there is some interest in
tagging tasks by feature category, as opposed to parenting under
sticky-epics, or using a column for each feature. Creating separate tags
(projects) for apps-specific tasks can make Phab messy overall if there are
a lot of them, but Milestones might solve this problem by essentially
existing as project-specific "tags."

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 1:12 PM, Kevin Smith <> wrote:

> Based on a quick hallway conversation with Joel, I came away feeling like
> sub-projects probably won't be useful to Discovery. I do still hope to
> experiment with them at some point, though.
> On the other hand, hearing that milestone tasks appear in as a column in
> the parent task's board is quite intriguing. I'll have to check with our
> POs to see if that would be useful.
> We are contemplating restructuring the Discovery projects and boards, so
> this is nice timing.
> Kevin Smith
> Agile Coach, Wikimedia Foundation
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 12:48 AM, Quim Gil <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 12:08 AM, Joel Aufrecht <>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to work out, on behalf of VE, exactly how we would want to
>>> use the new sub-project and milestone functionality.
>> Community Liaisons and Developer Relations have a much simpler process,
>> but I still wonder whether we could improve it by using subprojects.
>> We have team projects to tag any tasks related to our teams, i.e.
>> Then, we organize what we call monthly sprints but is actually not a
>> "Sprint project" but a tag that we add to tasks that we plan to work on a
>> certain month, without a commitment to finish them, no story points, no
>> burndown. See for instance
>> In theory, these monthly sprints could be subprojects of our team
>> project, right? If I understood the subprojects feature correctly, this
>> would mean that
>> * Tasks in a sprint (subproject) would not appear in the main project
>> (team) workboard, which would be useful to see the tasks that haven't been
>> scheduled yet.
>> * Tasks in one subproject (i.e. #Liaisons-March-2016) could still be
>> added to other subprojects as well (April, May, etc).
>> Do you think this approach makes sense?
>> --
>> Quim Gil
>> Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation
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