
I wanted to ask about techniques for keeping track of phabricator tasks
you're interested in and mentions in comments in a sane way.

I used email before, but it got very noisy, so I've been using
notifications extensively for some time, and that's mostly worked fine (I
tweaked a bit what I get notified about).

I go to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/notification/query/unread/ and
check new activity, clear notifications I'm not interested by opening tabs
and closing them without reading (yes, this sucks), leave the tabs of tasks
I'm interested in open, and occasionally unsubscribe from tasks that I
really don't want to know about.

I've been having problems the more I take an active role in grooming
backlogs and organizing tasks, since every time you do anything with a task
(even moving it from column to column) you get subscribed to it, so the
more you help, the more notifications you get, and that ends up creating a
ton of noise for really keeping up with the development side of the tasks
(in contrast with the organizing side of it).

What other techniques do you use? How do you keep up? I'm interested to
learn about other workflows.

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