----- Original Message -----
From: "X-Force" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 3:26 PM
Subject: ISSalert: ISS Security Alert: Goner/Pentagone Mass-Mailer Worm

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| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Internet Security Systems Security Alert
| December 4, 2001
| Goner/Pentagone Mass-Mailer Worm
| Synopsis:
| Internet Security Systems (ISS) X-Force is aware of a new virulent e-
| mail worm that is currently propagating rapidly. The worm is disguised
| as an .SCR screensaver file and is propagated via email and the ICQ chat
| network. Goner is mildly destructive and generates a large amount of
| network traffic, which may overload network devices and email gateways.
| Goner also attempts to disable personal firewall and antivirus software.
| Users who rely on these products may or may not be protected. In
| addition, the Goner worm contains a powerful distributed denial of
| service (DDoS) component, which may enable attackers to control infected
| systems over the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network to initiate flooding
| attacks on targets.
| Description:
| The Goner worm infects Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express
| users by delivering the worm executable in the form of an .SCR file
| attachment. The filename is GONE.SCR. This file needs to be manually
| executed by the user to spread. The body and subject each infected email
| is identical. Upon infection, the Goner worm will send a copy of itself
| to every contact in the user's address book.
| Microsoft Outlook 2002 will block potentially harmful attachments by
| default. Outlook 2002 will also prompt users with the following
| information in a dialog box if the worm is executed:
|    A program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in
|    Outlook. Do you want to allow this?
|    If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose "No".
| The following is an example of infected email message:
|   Subject:  Hi
|   How are you ?
|   When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought about you
|   I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!
|   Attachment: GONE.SCR
| The worm also has the ability to propagate via ICQ if it is installed.
| Goner uses ICQ's ICQMAPI.DLL interface to send copies of itself to all
| contacts that are currently online. The contact must approve the file
| transfer to receive a copy of the worm. The contact must then execute
| the file in order to be infected. The worm also includes a backdoor to
| infect mIRC installations, so that they can be used to launch IRC-based
| distributed denial of service attacks.
| The Goner worm copies itself to the infected user's hard drive, and then
| points a registry key to the file location to execute the worm each time
| the system reboots. The following registry key is created:
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
| Run\%System%\gone.scr = %System%\gone.scr
| Goner also attempts to disable antivirus and personal firewall software.
| The list of antivirus and personal firewall executables appears to have
| been taken from a previous worm, known as I-Worm.fog. More information
| on the I-Worm.fog email worm is available at:
| http://www.avp.ch/avpve/worms/email/fog.stm
| The Goner worm kills the following processes upon infection, and then
| attempts to delete the associated executables:
|  IAMAPP.EXE - AtGuard Personal Firewall
|  IAMSERV.EXE - AtGuard Personal Firewall
|  APLICA32.EXE - unknown
|  ZONEALARM.EXE  - ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm
|  ESAFE.EXE - eSafe, Aladdin Knowledge Systems
|  CFIADMIN.EXE - ConSeal PC Firewall
|  CFIAUDIT.EXE - ConSeal PC Firewall
|  CFINET.EXE - ConSeal PC Firewall
|  CFINET32.EXE - ConSeal PC Firewall
|  PCFWallIcon.EXE - ConSeal PC Firewall
|  FRW.EXE - ConSeal PC Firewall
|  VSHWIN32.EXE - McAfee VirusScan
|  VSECOMR.EXE - McAfee VirusScan
|  WEBSCANX.EXE - McAfee VirusScan
|  AVCONSOL.EXE - McAfee VirusScan
|  VSSTAT.EXE - McAfee VirusScan
|  NAVAPW32.EXE - Norton AntiVirus
|  NAVW32.EXE - Norton AntiVirus
|  _AVP32.EXE - AVP Scanner
|  _AVPCC.EXE - AVP Control Centre Application
|  _AVPM.EXE - AVP Monitor
|  AVP32.EXE - AVP Scanner
|  AVPCC.EXE - AVP Control Centre Application
|  AVPM.EXE - AVP Monitor
|  AVP.EXE - AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP)
|  LOCKDOWN2000.EXE - LockDown 2000 (http://harbortelco.com/)
|  ICMON.EXE - Sophos Antivirus Monitor
|  ICLOAD95.EXE - Sophos Antivirus for Windows 95
|  ICSUPP95.EXE - Sophos Antivirus for Windows 95
|  ICLOADNT.EXE - Likely Sophos Antivirus for Windows NT
|  ICSUPPNT.EXE - Likely Sophos Antivirus for Windows NT
|  TDS2-98.EXE - TDS-2 Trojan Defense Suite (http://www.diamondcs.com.au/)
|  TDS2-NT.EXE - TDS-2 Trojan Defense Suite (http://www.diamondcs.com.au/)
|  SAFEWEB.EXE - Safeweb
| Recommendations:
| ISS X-Force recommends that all users and system administrators update
| their antivirus software and initiate a virus scan.
| Network administrators may choose to filter ICQ traffic during an
| infection to block further propagation. ICQ client to server
| communication is conducted over TCP port 5190. Network administrators
| may also block the worm's communication over IRC by blocking the host,
| "twisted.ma.us.dal.net".
| Consider upgrading Microsoft Outlook email clients to Outlook 2002.
| Outlook 2002 has many security features that will block the propagation
| of Goner and many other worms.
| To remove the Goner worm from your system:
| 1. Delete the registry key created by Goner:
|    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
|    Run\%System%\gone.scr = %System%\gone.scr
| 2. Delete the file GONE.SCR from your system. Depending on your
|    configuration, this file will be in C:\WINDOWS\system\ or
|    C:\WINNT\system32\.
| ISS X-Force will provide detection and assessment support for this
| vulnerability in upcoming X-Press Updates for RealSecure Network Sensor
| and Internet Scanner.
| RealSecure Network Sensor:
| ISS RealSecure intrusion detection customers may use the following
| user-defined signature to detect the 'GONER' worm. Follow
| the instructions below to apply the user-defined signature to your
| policy.
| - From the Sensor window:
| 1. Right-click on the sensor and select 'Properties'.
| 2. Choose a policy you want to use, and click 'Customize'.
| 3. Select the 'User Defined Events' tab.
| 4. Click 'Add' on the right hand side of the dialog box.
| 5. Create a User Defined Event.
| 6. Type in a name of the event, such as 'GONER'.
| 7. In the 'Context' field for each event, select 'Email_Content'.
|    In the 'String' field, type the following string:
|      I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!
| 8. Click 'Save', and then 'Close'.
| 9. Click 'Apply to Sensor' or 'Apply to Engine', depending on the
|    version of RealSecure you are using.
| This should detect any incoming email containing the worm that is being
| delivered to an SMTP server. RS can also be modified to detect the GONER
| worm destined to a POP server. In addition to the steps above, the
| policy file template must be modified using a text editor. In the SMTP
| field of the \template\protocol section add the POP ports to SMTP
| definitions. This section is shown below:
| [\template\protocols\];
| http        =S           80;
| ftp         =S           21;
| smtp        =S           25, 109-110;
| pop         =S           109-110;
| imap        =S           143 220;
| nntp        =S           119;
| [\template\userdefinedsignatures\];
| Additional Information:
| ISS X-Force Database,
| http://xforce.iss.net/static/7638.php
| F-Secure,
| http://www.f-secure.com/v-descs/goner.shtml
| ______
| About Internet Security Systems (ISS)
| Internet Security Systems is a leading global provider of security
| management solutions for the Internet, protecting digital assets and
| ensuring safe and uninterrupted e-business. With its industry-leading
| intrusion detection and vulnerability assessment, remote managed
| security services, and strategic consulting and education offerings, ISS
| is a trusted security provider to more than 8,000 customers worldwide
| including 21 of the 25 largest U.S. commercial banks and the top 10 U.S.
| telecommunications companies. Founded in 1994, ISS is headquartered in
| Atlanta, GA, with additional offices throughout North America and
| international operations in Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America and
| the Middle East. For more information, visit the Internet Security
| Systems web site at www.iss.net or call 888-901-7477.
| Copyright (c) 2001 Internet Security Systems, Inc. All rights reserved
| worldwide.
| Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this Alert
| electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express
| consent of the X-Force. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part
| of this Alert in any other medium excluding electronic medium, please
| e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.
| Disclaimer
| The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of
| this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
| There are NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event
| shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or
| in connection with the use or spread of this information. Any use of
| this information is at the user's own risk.
| X-Force PGP Key available at: http://xforce.iss.net/sensitive.php
| as well as on MIT's PGP key server and PGP.com's key server.
| Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to: X-Force
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] of Internet Security Systems, Inc.
| Version: 2.6.3a
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