----- Original Message -----
From: "Network Computing and The SANS Institute"
To: "Scott Fosseen (SD381534)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 8:02 PM
Subject: Security Alert Consensus #128

| To: Scott Fosseen (SD381534)
| Re: Your personalized newsletter
|                      -- Security Alert Consensus --
|                            Number 128 (01.51)
|                       Thursday, December 20, 2001
|                           Created for you by
|                  Network Computing and the SANS Institute
|                           Powered by Neohapsis
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Welcome to SANS' distribution of the Security Alert Consensus.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| This issue is brought to you by ...
| Nokia Internet Communications - a division of Nokia. NOKIA TEAMS UP WITH
| LEADING PUBLISHERS, Offering the most reliable, up-to-date SECURITY-
| focused information on the Web including: News & Assessment tools,
| Reviews & Analyst Reports For more information, visit our Security
| Resource Center:
| http://www.nokia.com/internet/na
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Seasons Greetings from the Security Alert Consensus Team! We wish to
| extend our sincerest wishes for a very happy holiday season to all
| of you and your families.
| This week produced a few notable vulnerabilities. Admins of the
| various commercial Unixes (Solaris, HP-UX and so on) should look at
| the SystemV-derived login buffer overflow (reported as {01.51.009}
| under the Cross-Platform category). Linux users may want to update
| their glibc libraries to prevent possible overflows in the glob()
| function (reported as {01.51.024} in the Linux category). And, finally,
| so Windows users don't feel left out, Microsoft Corp. released an
| Internet Explorer mega-patch (reported as {01.51.010} in the Windows
| category). This patch fixes all nasty problems to date, including the
| one that automatically downloads and executes applications without
| warning the user.
| Special note: Microsoft today issued a critical recommendation
| regarding Windows, Windows XP, or ME machines that share internet
| connections with Windows 98/98SE clients. You can read more on and
| download this significant patch here:
| http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=
| /technet/security/bulletin/ms01-059.asp
| Until next time,
| --Security Alert Consensus Team
| ************************************************************************
| Hash: SHA1
| {01.51.001} Win - IIS large, content-length header DoS
| {01.51.004} Win - IKE UDP flood DoS
| {01.51.010} Win - MS01-058: Cumulative IE patch
| {01.51.018} Win - Citrix auto-launch of .ICA files
| {01.51.025} Win - EFTP directory listing vulnerability
| {01.51.026} Win - CentraOne log file info disclosure
| - --- Windows News -------------------------------------------------------
| *** {01.51.001} Win - IIS large, content-length header DoS
| Various people are reporting a potential denial of service found in
| IIS 5.0 (and possibly other versions), whereby a remote attacker sends
| a content-length header with an extremely large value. As a result,
| the server waits for the indicated amount of data to be sent, with
| no apparent timeouts.
| This vulnerability has not been confirmed. An exploit has been
| published.
| Source: SecurityFocus Bugtraq
| http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2001-12/0098.html
| *** {01.51.004} Win - IKE UDP flood DoS
| Various discussions in the past week have touched on the possibility
| of a denial of service attack against the IKE IPSEC service listening
| on UDP port 500. An ongoing flood can result in abnormally high CPU
| use while the packets are processed.
| This vulnerability has not been confirmed.
| Source: SecurityFocus Bugtraq
| http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2001-12/0108.html
| *** {01.51.010} Win - MS01-058: Cumulative IE patch
| Microsoft has released MS01-058 ("Cumulative IE patch"). This patch
| fixes all known security problems in Internet Explorer to date,
| including three new problems: the ability for a malicious Web site
| to execute arbitrary applications in IE 6; the ability to read files
| from the user's system; and a bug that could allow a Web site to
| trick the user into seeing a different file name in the download box.
| FAQ and patch:
| http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS01-058.asp
| Source: Microsoft
| http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/vendor/2001-q4/0053.html
| *** {01.51.018} Win - Citrix auto-launch of .ICA files
| An advisory was released indicating that IE will automatically
| download and launch any .ICA file presented by a malicious Web site
| or e-mail. The .ICA file could cause a connection to a trojaned
| server, thereby allowing the server to copy files from or to the
| client's machine. Apparently, only the Windows version of the client
| is affected.
| The advisory indicates vendor confirmation. A list of workarounds is
| available at:
| http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2001-12/0133.html
| Source: SecurityFocus Bugtraq
| http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2001-12/0133.html
| *** {01.51.025} Win - EFTP directory listing vulnerability
| EFTP version contains a bug that allows a remote attacker to
| gain directory listings outside the FTP root by sending a particular
| pattern of CWD commands.
| This vulnerability has not been confirmed.
| Source: SecurityFocus Bugtraq
| http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2001-12/0134.html
| *** {01.51.026} Win - CentraOne log file info disclosure
| The CentraOne collaboration and learning application has been found
| to create world-readable logs that contain large amounts of sensitive
| user information, including user name and password.
| This vulnerability has not been confirmed.
| Source: VulnWatch
| http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/vulnwatch/2001-q4/0072.html
| ************************************************************************
| Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (BSD/OS)
| Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
| iD8DBQE8InZr+LUG5KFpTkYRAtg0AJ4oRUpS3jiXQgnqoHiKNzvjeJrdjgCfc+3J
| 3VPkRtIHdjho7bSFjCXX3vk=
| =KMB6
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| This issue is brought to you by ...
| Nokia Internet Communications - a division of Nokia. NOKIA TEAMS UP WITH
| LEADING PUBLISHERS, Offering the most reliable, up-to-date SECURITY-
| focused information on the Web including: News & Assessment tools,
| Reviews & Analyst Reports For more information, visit our Security
| Resource Center:
| http://www.nokia.com/internet/na
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Become a Security Alert Consensus member! If this e-mail was passed
| to you and you would like to begin receiving our security e-mail
| newsletter on a weekly basis, we invite you to subscribe today.
| http://www.sans.org/sansnews/
| We are signing the Consensus newsletter
| with PGP. The new SANS PGP key is posted at:
| http://certserver.pgp.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA1694E46
| and can be accessed from the SANS Web site (http://www.sans.org).
| Special Note: To better secure your confidential information,
| we will no longer include personal URLs in our Consensus
| newsletter mailings. Instead, we have created a new form
| (http://www.sans.org/sansurl). On this form you can enter the SD
| number located near your name at the top of the newsletter. When you
| submit this form, an e-mail containing a URL will be sent to you at
| the e-mail address on record. With this URL you can make changes to
| your account (edit the content of your Consensus mailing, for example)
| without endangering the security of your personal URL. If you'd like
| to change your e-mail address or other information, or unsubscribe
| to this newsletter, please visit your new URL as described above. If
| you have any problems or questions, e-mail us at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
| Missed an issue? You can find all back issues of
| Security Alert Consensus (and Security Express) online.
| http://archives.neohapsis.com/
| Your opinion counts. We'd like to hear your thoughts on Security Alert
| Consensus. E-mail any questions or comments to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
| Copyright (c) 2001 Network Computing, a CMP Media LLC
| publication. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by Network
| Computing (http://www.networkcomputing.com) and The SANS Institute
| (http://www.sans.org). Powered by Neohapsis Inc., a Chicago-based
| security assessment and integration services consulting group
| ([EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.neohapsis.com/).

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