
We are still working on the Agenda for the Jan meeting.  The meeting will be
at the Central Office Board Room.  I had a Web seminar set up but I just got
notification that the date got changed until Friday.  I do have a show I
taped on TLC about hacking if people are interested in watching it.  The
three "Hackers" on the show are:
  Capt. Crunch - Father of Telephone hacking
  Steve Wozniak - Co founder of Apple and phone hacker
  Kevin Mitnick - The world's most infamous hacker -
The show is 1 hr - commercials.

I had contacted Mike Meeker from Apple to present on the new apple products
announced at Mac World this month, but he was already scheduled elsewhere.
I will continue to try to get him to one of our meetings.

I want to spend a little time on ICN plans for upgrades.  AEA 5 schools
should be updated with the ability to access the network faster and cheaper
with no additional hardware costs to the schools.

An update on the Labrea Tarpit software.  I have it up and running, will
give a full report at the meeting

Status of Sonicwall Global Management software and Firewall monitoring.

Does anyone have anything they would like to show.  We should have a good
Internet connection in the board room.

Tentative Agenda

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Open Discussion Time.  One on one conversations with
your peers.
10:30 - 11:15 - Hacking Video
11:15 - 11:45 - Labrea Tarpit, Status and Demo
1:15 - 1:30 - Sonicwall GMS & Firewall monitoring.
1:30 - 3:30pm - To Be announced

/   Scott Fosseen - Systems Engineer - Arrowhead AEA 5
\   www.aea5.k12.ia.us/aeaphone.nsf/Web/FosseenScott

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