>LOCAL NEWS: 01/18/02
>Microsoft North Central District
>Local News is your current desktop connection to the latest
>Microsoft events, special promotions, and training opportunities!
>----------------------------------------- Current Microsoft Events
>1- Microsoft TechNet - Register Now!
>2- Windows XP User Group
>3- Microsoft Technology Centers - Building Powerful Solutions
>4- How to Optimize Your Microsoft Licenses
>5- MSDN Live! - The Launch of Visual Studio.NET:
>6- Omaha .NET User Group
>7- .NET Hands-On-Training at the Microsoft Technology Centers
>8- CONFERENCE CALLS - see below for further details
>9- WEBCASTS - see below for further details
>10- Check out special events geared to the small/medium enterprises.
>11-  Meet Microsoft Services for the Enterprise
>12- Get in the Know: Join the Microsoft Great Plains E-mail News
>Service for Businesses
>13- Technical Training classes to meet your business needs.
>IT Professionals
>1- Microsoft TechNet- The IT Professional's guide to help tackle the
>challenges you face every day by providing technology solutions that
>meet your business needs.  These half-day seminars offer multiple
>tracks and sessions to choose from and are presented by local
>Microsoft Technology Specialists.
>At this quarter's TechNet, we'll discuss: Security: It's People,
>Process and Technology; Windows Updated Corporate "Federated"
>Server; Microsoft Operations Manager; Data Security - Best Practices
>using SQL Server 2000; Upsizing Your Access Databases to SQL Server
>2000.  Register Now!
>Des Moines - Wednesday, March 6th
>8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
>Des Moines Marriott
>Event Code: 105175757
>Omaha - Thursday, March 7th
>8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
>Omaha Embassy Suites
>Event Code: 105175736
>Minneapolis - Wednesday, March 13th
>8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
>Radisson South Hotel - Bloomington
>Event Code: 105176061
>To Register, visit:
>2- Windows XP User Group
>Join our Windows XP User Group the second Thursday of each month!
>Brought to you by presenters from the Windows XP Launch Event -
>George Spalding from Mindsharp and Tom Moen from Microsoft.
>Thursday, February 14th - 105240425
>Thursday, March 14th - 105240439
>Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
>Location: Microsoft Office - Bloomington
>8300 Norman Center Drive Suite 950
>Register at:
>or call: 877-673-8368
>3- Microsoft Technology Centers - Building Powerful Solutions
>Microsoft Technology Centers (MTC) provide customers with a complete
>development environment-infrastructure, technical experts, and
>industry leading alliances-to accelerate development and mitigate
>risk on the Microsoft .NET platform. For an overview, program
>offerings, case studies, and locations please to go:
>4- How to Optimize Your Microsoft Licenses
>Do you understand your Microsoft licensing agreements?  Are you
>optimizing your licensing options?  Are you familiar with the recent
>changes in Microsoft's Volume Licensing programs that make for a
>simpler, more flexible program?  Join our Microsoft Licensing
>Specialists at this live event to help you get the most out of your
>Microsoft EA, Select, and Open Licenses.
>Don't forget to check out the conference calls and Webcasts geared
>for Developers!
>5- MSDN Live! The launch of Visual Studio.NET Launch
>After four years in development, 25 programming languages supported,
>and 2.5 million betas distributed, the launch of Visual Studio.NET
>means that developers and software architects will be able to take
>advantage of the most sophisticated, productivity-enhancing
>development toolset ever created.  Come to the launch event and
>you'll hear firsthand how Visual Studio.NET will allow you to
>leverage your existing skills to rapidly build applications and XML
>Web services that target any device and integrate any platform.
>Minneapolis: Wednesday, February 26th
>1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Minneapolis Convention Center
>Event Code: 105175698
>Des Moines: Wednesday, March 6th
>1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Des Moines Marriott
>Event Code: 105175719
>Omaha: Thursday, March 7th
>1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Embassy Suites
>Event Code: 105175731
>6- Omaha .NET User Group
>Join us for two presentations.  The first session will cover C#
>Language - What it is and how it fits in to the big picture of .NET.
>The second session will focus on Win Forms - .NET Windows Forms
>leverage various new technologies including a Common Application
>Framework, Managed Execution Environment, and Integrated Security
>and Object-oriented Design Principles and more!
>Thursday, January 24th - Quilogy Office, Omaha
>Register at:
>Use Event Code: 105168568
>7- .NET Hands-On-Training at the Microsoft Technology Centers
>Learn the fastest, most reliable way to develop and deploy .Net
>technology advances! Ranging from one-day to week long, these
>courses enable developers to learn about .NET's latest capabilities.
>Current topics include XML, Web Services, and Content Management
>Server. To find a course that meets your training needs, get
>detailed information and register go to:
>http://www.microsoft.com/usa/events/search.asp Keyword "MTC"
>Friday, January 25th - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
>Microsoft Office - Bloomington, MN
>8300 Norman Center Drive, Suite 950
>Event Code: 105166553
>Register at:
>8- Upcoming Conference Calls:
>January 31 - Microsoft Windows - Get Secure, Stay Secure (To
>register for this event, please call 877-673-8368)
>February 5 - Advanced Development Exchange 2000
>February 20 - .NET for IT Professionals
>March 6 - Managing your Windows Enterprise through MOM 2000
>March 27 - Project Features
>For more conference calls, descriptions, and to register, visit:
>9- Upcoming Webcasts Include:
>3/14/2002   How to Deploy Office XP and Windows XP With One Desktop Touch
>3/14/2002   How to Secure Your IIS Environment
>Register for these events at:
>10- Upcoming Webcasts Include:
>Webcast: VISIO in the Manufacturing Industry
>January 22, 2002 / 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST
>Webcast: SQL Server 2000: Why Upgrade?
>January 16, 2002 / 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM CST
>Webcast: Project 2002: Why Upgrade?
>January 24, 2002 / 11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon CST
>Webcast: Upgrading reliability, stability and performance with
>January 28, 2002 / 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM CST
>Register for these Webcasts at:
>11- Meet Microsoft ® Services for the Enterprise
>Microsoft Services for the Enterprise provides services for
>end-to-end IT implementation.  At every stage of the IT lifecycle
>Microsoft consultants bring together the experience, proven methods,
>and paths of Microsoft to turn your vision into a practical and
>profitable business reality.  Key consulting services include
>technology strategy consulting, IT assessment and review services,
>IT planning, architecture and design services, proof of concept and
>custom services.  Experienced Microsoft support professionals will
>deliver fast, expert resolution of technical issues for all
>Microsoft products any time of the day or night.  For more
>information please visit:
>or contact your local Microsoft representative.
>12-  Get in the Know: Join the Microsoft Great Plains E-mail News
>Service for Businesses
>Designed for business decision makers, "the Know" lets you subscribe
>to news and articles relevant to your industry, get information
>about Microsoft Great Plains business solutions, and learn about
>industry seminar in your field. Go to:
>and subscribe today.
>13-  Technical Training classes To Meet Your Business Needs.
>Microsoft Partners offer classes and seminars on just about any
>topic you'd want!  To find classes to meet your training needs,
>Quilogy - 2001 Office XP Challenge Winner
>Mindsharp Learning Centers:
>Benchmark Computer Learning - Visit Benchmark's website for your
>chance to win an XBOX!
>Alto Consulting and Training/SoftChoice
>Microsoft Communities is your launching pad for communicating online
>with peers and experts about Microsoft products, technologies, and
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>to send your request or reply to this message with the word STOPMAIL
>in the Subject Line. You can also unsubscribe at
>http://www.microsoft.com/misc/unsubscribe.htm. You can manage all
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>ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The information type should not
>be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft and
>Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented
>after the date of publication. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT
>the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document.
>microsoft.com newsletter e-mail may be copied and distributed
>subject to the following conditions:
>1. All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included
>2. All copies must contain Microsoft's copyright notice and any
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Rick Maehl, Technology and Production Supervisor
Arrowhead Area Education Agency #5
Instructional Service Center
330 Ave M, VoTech Bldg-Lower Level
PO Box 1399, Fort Dodge, Iowa  50501
ph: 515-574-5577   fax: 515-574-5567

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