We were just wondering what the increases were for each school in health insurance and 
what you pay.  If you could ask your administrator we would really appreciate it.  I 
know this doesn't seem like a tech problem but if it cuts into our already small 
budget it becomes our problem.  We were just wondering how much most of the schools in 
our aea went to. We figure if we stay with our present plan it will cost our families 
an extra $2400 per year and it would cost the district an extra $72,000 next year.  As 
you can see both the district and families can't afford that increase!

I think our administrator is also going to ask Bill Gardner if he would explore again 
self-insuring schools in our AEA.  He explored it a few years ago and not a lot of 
schools were interested but in these tight budget times more maybe interested.

Ask your Supt about insurance cost and talking to Bill G about self-insuring.

Here is our rate:

We are Principal PPO

NOW:  Single (school pays for) 231.78
      Family (out of pocket) 495.99

NEXT YEAR:  (If we stay with this plan)

Single (school pays for)  325.78
Family (out of pocket)  697.15

Our increase was 40.6%

Jon W. Hueser
Comp/Tech. Coord.
East Greene Comm. Schools
405 12th Str. South
Box 377
Grand Junction, IA  50107
Phone:  515-738-2411 ext. 241
Fax:  515-738-5719
Pager:  800-365-7789  #220268
email pager:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website:  www.east-greene.k12.ia.us

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